While Sparkling Bins is without a doubt THE partner of choice in the bin cleaning industry, when you are in the market for trash bin cleaning equipment, you will certainly come across other manufacturers. What you will discover while performing your due diligence in finding the right trash bin cleaning equipment, is that other manufacturers have only one or two models for their potential clients to choose from. This is one of the many differentiators that sets Sparkling Bins apart. Being in the industry for close to ten years, we understand the need to offer a variety of options to entrepreneurs. Every single client is considered unique and we understand that everyone’s budgets and goals vary. We are able to offer 7 different models to give prospective buyers the option to pick and choose the right trash and dumpster cleaning system for their unique situation. Not every client can afford 100k plus to start a bin washing business and our clients can see right from the start that they don’t have to invest that in order to begin a successful and financially lucrative business!
So, let’s talk about how we start with a potential new client! When you call Sparkling Bins, we perform an in-depth interview to uncover your needs and aspirations. We ask a lot of questions in terms of what your short and long term goals may be, how many trash bins are you looking to clean per day, what your budget consists of and many other questions. Our goal is to understand which of the models we have is most closely aligned to your needs. And because those needs vary so much from entrepreneur to entrepreneur, we have created 7 models to choose from, offering the variety required to fit every circumstance we encounter. If we were to limit ourselves to just offering a truck model like many of our competitors do, many successful clients of Sparkling Bins would not be in business today! We have many clients whose budget allowed for a single trailer to get started. And today, after seeing the success they had with that model, have come back to purchase multiple trucks and have grown their enterprise in dramatic ways! Sparkling Bins is the only manufacturer to offer seven different models to accommodate each client’s situation.
After our in-depth interview, we will provide you with our best recommendation on which system will fit your circumstances. We do not upsell our clients – EVER! We have your best interest in mind and this is another area of integrity that sets us apart from the competition.
So, let’s take a look at the different models available today. The following are the 7 models we have to offer:
SB1 – Trailer mounted Single grabber lifter capable of cleaning up to 75-100 maintenance bins on one clean water tank
SB2 – Trailer mounted dual grabber lifter capable of cleaning up to 175-200 maintenance trash bins on one clean water tank
SB3 – Single grabber lifter mounted on the back of a 3/4 ton pick up truck; capable of cleaning 75-100 maintenance bins on one clean water tank
SB4 – Dual mounted grabber mounted on the back of a gas Isuzu cab-over; capable of cleaning up to 175-200 maintenance bins on one clean water tank.
SB4PTO – Dual mounted grabber mounted on the back of an Isuzu diesel; capable of cleaning 275-300 maintenance bins on one clean water tank.
SB5 – this is our 2-1 residential and commercial bin washing truck. This truck
is mounted on a Hino diesel truck with the hydraulic lifter powered by a PTO. This truck is capable of cleaning 175-200 residential bins and/or 25-30 dumpsters on one clean water tank.
SB6 – This is our stationary, forklift-ready single or dual mounted bin washing system; perfect for hospitals, waste haulers and boat marinas.
These are just the quick specs to give you a sense of the units we have to offer. The interview process will help us to define which model is best for your budget and goals. Every step in the process of opening your new business with Sparkling Bins will be handled with the same degree of commitment to meeting your business goals. From the moment you make the first call to us – to the financing of your business – to the manufacturing of the equipment – to helping you to guide you in terms of how to find and develop new business – Sparkling bins is there to guide you toward success!