Commercial Dumpster Cleaning Trucks and Equipment

Commercial dumpster cleaning is often overlooked but remains an emerging business opportunity with extremely low competition. Dumpsters are breeding grounds for harmful bacteria, unpleasant odors, and general filth that make them unappealing and unsightly. But there is a growing need for professional dumpster cleaning and opportunities to work with schools, hospitals, restaurants, supermarkets, daycares, fuel stations, apartment complexes, and more are waiting to be snapped up. If you want to jump on this opportunity, Sparkling Bins Business can provide you with the professional equipment to make it happen.

Dumpster Cleaning Truck for Sale

We manufacture commercial dumpster cleaning trucks and sanitizing equipment that can help you fill a deep void in the trash collection industry – without collecting any trash at all. Whether you want to start big or small, we have dumpster cleaning trucks for sale to meet the specific needs that the industry is calling for.

SB5 Commercial and Residential System

Our latest dumpster cleaning truck for sale has the ability to clean 30 dumpsters ranging from 2-10 cubic yards. As well as cleaning residential 200 residential maintenance bins.

SB5 PTO Commercial and Residential System

Our best-selling commercial 2-1 dumpster and residential system is able to clean 300 maintenance bins on one clean water tank, and 30 dumpsters without the use of a power wash engine. Sparkling Bins has 2 patents on this system.

SB6 Stationary Bin Cleaning System

Condos, apartments, and HOAs rejoice – our SB6 stays in one place and can clean up to 80 bins each hour.

What Sets Our Equipment Apart?

Sparkling Bins Business is the world's largest manufacturer of commercial dumpster cleaning equipment and we have the best dumpster cleaning trucks for sale. Our trucks are ready to handle solid waste, compost, and recycling containers and rid them of dirt, odors, and bacteria. Our turnkey commercial dumpster cleaning systems are ready to go and can help you get your business started. Complete the form below to discuss your equipment needs and how to get your business started.